What do you think of a club that...

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by algebra1, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. algebra1

    algebra1 Active Member

    Recently found out that it had no by laws, so the executive board wrote a set of by laws and voted them in .Then told the members it was all legal. In the by laws they took all voting privileges away from the directors and members of the club. The executive board members can only be removed by the other board members voting them out . The only way to become a board member is to be voted in by the executive board. They still want members and directors to work and bring in the money, but have no say in how it is spent . I always thought that non- profits were run by the membership.
  2. Union Strong

    Union Strong Well-Known Member

    your local Assistant Attorney General can help!
  3. algebra1

    algebra1 Active Member

    Thanks for the reply.