The newest plan & Trapwife

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Stelts, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. Stelts

    Stelts Active Member

    A while back, prior to the MOUs, I think it was a person by name of Trapwife that ranted we should be patient. "There is a Plan".

    Where is Trapwife? Who is in charge? Are there secret meetings? Are Govna Rauner and Illinois in the process of shuttering the place as the media is predicting?
  2. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Don't worry Stelts.

    IF you are an ordinary, every day Member, you will be like the rest of us who are not "Special" , and be informed on a "Need To Know Basis".

    Plainly put, they will tell you what they want you to know.

    Patients is all we have to go on for now, until Trapwife who seems to have an inside edge, can lend some information to the fold.

    I for one, hope she does tell us something we don't know yet.

    I guess most members really do not care anyway, as long as they have a place to shoot.
  3. Win101

    Win101 Mega Poster

  4. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The "newest plan", may be how to get MORE people to visit the 2 million dollar plus "Sparta Shrine" .....

    IF ..... 5,000 people have "visited" this "Shrine", and that is doubtful, it would be at a "cost" to the "HOF" of over 400 bucks per person.

    That "cost" per person goes up everyday to keep it "open", in a "climate controlled" condition. It must be part of the "fantastic direction" of the "Sparta Boondoggle".
    wpt likes this.
  5. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    The ORIGINAL Sparta Shrine Conceptual drawings were a tad nicer than a Horse Barn.

    I wonder if the hours of operation would mean the THOF Museum would be open for ALL shooting events, not just the shotgun events ?
    wpt and Win101 like this.