Ohio Steps UP!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by Flyersarebest, Jun 4, 2022.

  1. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader


    (Reuters) - "Ohio is set to enact a law that allows teachers and other staff to be armed with guns in schools once they have completed up to 24 hours of initial training.

    Proponents hope armed teachers will reduce the frequency and deadliness of school shootings, which have become recurrent in the United States. The bill's opponents, including teachers' unions and the state's main police officer union, say it will only make schools more dangerous for children.

    The bill was finalized 10 days after a teenager with an AR-15-style rifle attacked a school in Uvalde, Texas. Nineteen students and two teachers were killed in the massacre.

    Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, a Republican, has said he will sign the bill into law.

    The bill was passed by the Republican-controlled Ohio General Assembly this week. It was designed to defuse a ruling last year by the Ohio Supreme Court that said a longstanding state law required teachers to complete more than 700 hours in a peace-officer training program before they could be armed with a gun on school premises."

    Cooperdisciple and THEUNLOADER like this.
  2. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Way to go Ohio, Now if all states would follow !!!!!
    THEUNLOADER likes this.
  3. gth245

    gth245 Active Member

    I honestly hope every other state can step up to this so as to protect our kids...
  4. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    It will make the teachers the first target to take out and doesn't stop the problem. Fewer may get shot but how many victims are acceptable ? 4,5,6 ? Yes that's better than 19 but "0" is the only acceptable number..secure the schools and keep the bad guy out..
    JSKOLAR1 likes this.
  5. frogjump

    frogjump Active Member

    The perp can take down all the teachers so this is a welcomed development.
  6. Keith Douglas

    Keith Douglas Active Member

    About time!! How many mass shootings have happened at gun clubs? The sick bastards know the armed people there will shoot back!!!
    BRAD DYSINGER and Flyersarebest like this.
  7. King Shark

    King Shark Active Member

    Way to go.