Mt. Blanchard , Ohio Shoot

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Grocery Guy, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Grocery Guy

    Grocery Guy Well-Known Member Founding Member

    This Sunday ( Feb 1st ) is Mt. Blanchard, Ohio's first Sunday of the month shoot. It's a fifty bird program ( 25 - 16 yd. targets and 25 handicaps no closer than the 23 yd line.) Twenty dollars cover everything , Lewis Class, long run front, reverse long run, drawpot , and jackpot. There are usually between seven to twelve squads. The shoot moves along quickly. There will be a five bird slab shoot following the program. It's about a 44 yard shot behind two post. Break all five and win the jackpot, new shooters are eligible for half the jackpot. If there are no fives high score wins two dollars per shooter.It cost five dollars to enter. Come on out for a good time and do not forget your A game , this shoot usually attracts some of Northwest Ohio's best. Glenn Allison