Minutes of the January OSTA meeting

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Don Cogan, May 19, 2016.

  1. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member




    At 10:40 a.m. President Jeff Schlichter called to order the meeting of the Association. Attendance was taken and the following Board of Directors & Officers were present:

    Vice President Martin Miller, Secretary Noreen Snively, Treasurer Courtney Haning,

    Director-at-Large Robert Caplinger, NW Zone Directors Dick Barhorst & John Mueller,

    NE Zone Directors Doug Gormley & Dan Lukanec, SW Zone Director Tim Hunsaker,

    A.T.A. Delegate Roger McNamer, 1st Alternate A.T.A. Delegate Pat Neff, 2nd Alternate A.T.A. Delegate Clyde Findley, Past O.S.TA. President Dave Schock, Foundation Chairman Dennis Filo, and Museum Director Betty Peterson. SE Zone Director Tonya Bluhm was unable to attend.

    The minutes from October 17th were made available to all present. After the correction of a minor error, John Mueller made a motion to approve the minutes and with a move to second, the motion passed unanimously.

    Treasurer Courtney Haning reported the current balance in the Association’s account as $141,065.50. He provided the Board with an interim report covering expenses and income from September 1, 2015 through January 6, 2016. Doug Gormley moved to accept Courtney’s report. There being no further discussion and with a move to second, the motion passed unanimously.

    A.T.A. Delegate Roger McNamer reviewed the tedious task of determining the All-Ohio Team with the information provided by the A.T.A. The process is very difficult and time consuming every year. In an effort to improve the process, the Board agreed that for 2017, the shooters will be required to submit an application. Marty moved to have Noreen prepare the application for the shooters to complete indicating their category, target requirements they fulfilled, their Zone Shoot targets and location, and their State Shoot target requirements. The Board would like to see the application in the State Shoot program and on the O.S.T.A. web site. The 2016 All-Ohio Team will have 42 shooters and include the new categories- 8 Men, 3 Lady 1, 3 Lady 2, 5 Sub-Juniors, 5 Juniors, 3 Junior Gold, 5 Sub-Vets, 5 Veterans and 5 Senior Vets. Dick Barhorst moved that to qualify for the All-Ohio Team, shooters must also have a minimum composite average of 85%. With a move to second, the motion passed unanimously. Two shooters will share the Ohio Grandest Shooter honors- Dean Townsend and Pat McCarthy 392 x 400. Noreen met with Nick at Cabela’s in November and confirmed their continued sponsorship of the All-Ohio Team.

    Roger had numerous conference calls with the A.T.A. regarding the Grand American, The A.T.A. is 99.9% sure that the Grand will be held in Sparta. However, they are considering several options including a 3 month lease to the A.T.A. with Illinois…or a Satellite Grand. The official announcement is set for January 15, 2016. The Board reviewed correspondence from A.T.A. President

    Wayne Morris.

    The Central Zone Shoot is scheduled for North Lawrence Fish & Game. Roger McNamer informed the Board that Darrell Hayes (A.T.A. VP Central Zone) intends to be at the shoot to assist where needed. Dick Barhorst moved that the only exclusive registered shoots in the State of Ohio are the State Tournament and the Zone Shoots. With a move to second, the motion passed unanimously.

    Secretary Snively has collected the required proof of insurance and signed agreements from Newport Sportsmen’s Club, Marietta Gun Club, and Middletown Sportsmen’s Club for hosting of the annual Zone Shoot. Williams County and North Lawrence Fish and Game still need to furnish their information. The Zone Nominating Committees will need to provide Noreen with the names of the shooters running for Zone Director in the May election by mid-February. She will also need a President’s Message from Jeff for the zone program.

    (The Board recessed for a lunch break at 12:00 noon)

    Noreen has placed the order with DK Sales for the Zone hats. The Board discussed the problem of an absent shooter on a Zone Team at the State Shoot. The Directors need to qualify the shooters who earn a place on the team and be sure they can attend or list another shooter in their place. This problem will be discussed further in February. Tim Hunsaker ask to revisit the problem of the Zone Shoot losing money every year. Previously, the Board decided to charge a fee to the hosting gun clubs. Tim asked the Board to discuss their decision and reconsider their position. The topic will be addressed as “old business” at the February meeting.

    Under old business, Noreen reviewed the annual gun club trophy package- a selection of Case knives. Courtney Haning sent a contract draft to Luke (as requested) on October 28th but has received no feedback whatsoever. There is still plenty of time to get the new contract drawn up as the actual new contract date is September 2017. If it is accomplished by September 2016, so be it, but it does not have to be done by then. The contract negotiations have been going very well. Noreen has ordered the vendor hats and sponsor hats from DK Sales. The pump gun event for Monday has been scrapped for 2016. Arkoe Outdoors still has an outstanding sponsor fee from 2015 and has been removed from the 2016 program. Field & Stream is very interested in becoming a sponsor. Bobby Caplinger will follow up with them.

    Under new business, stipends for the Zone Directors was briefly discussed. Director John Mueller moved that the stipends remain the same as last year. With a move to second, the motion passed unanimously. The Board discussed the possibility of a sporting clays Purple Heart Shoot on Monday.

    The next item of new business was the 2016 State Shoot. The Board discussed the trapsetters, the trophy room attendant, reduced prices for youth targets and confirmed the committee assignments. The Tournament Director will be Dennis Filo. Target price will be confirmed at the February meeting. Since Ladies bingo was so well received last year, Tim Hunsaker moved that it should continue with a $200.00 budget. With a move to second, the motion passed unanimously. Marty Miller presented the trophy package. Bobby Caplinger is still hopeful for a gun give-away. Dick Barhorst moved to authorize Bobby with a budget

    not to exceed $7,500.00 for the Toy Store/Polaris (or a bobcat side by side, or zero turn mower) for the special promotion. With a move to second, the motion passed unanimously. Noreen is working on the magazine ads. The first ad has already appeared in Trapshooting USA, Dick Barhorst is taking care of the Monday Miss and Out and 50-bird program. The Board very briefly reviewed the 2016 printed program and will address it further at the February meeting.

    Secretary Snively informed the Board of the many difficulties that she is having with the current, antiquated web site. The site is no longer user friendly, not compatible with I pads and mobile phones, extremely slow, and sections are no longer functioning- in particular…the shoot calendar. Infosaic Tecnologies has not been responsive to her needs to say the least. Noreen recommended a new web site with a new company. Jeff appointed Dan Lukanec to assist Noreen in finding a new company to design the site and assist her in getting this problem resolved.

    At 3:10 p.m., John Mueller moved to adjourn the meeting of the Ohio State Trapshooting Association. With a move to second, the motion passed unanimously.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Noreen F. Snively
    targetbreaker, Family Guy and robb like this.