MEC Customer Support ?

Discussion in 'Reloading Bench' started by Joe Winnicki, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Mega Poster

    Over the last year a bought a few new MEC chargé bars for MEC single stage machines but without extensive sanding on the bars they didn't fit, impossible possible to use, so I sent 2 brand new bars back to MEC with an explanation. Last week I received the bars back from MEC with an invioce just stating the change bars were within factory specs, not so ! So I called MEC and spoke with the customer service representative who was very matter of fact telling me to put a screw driver in the slot in front of the change bar holder and bend it up a little but he really didn't listen to what I was trying to tell him, there was no slot to put a scew driver into, he just shut me down and again he told me to just stick a large screw driver in the top of the slot on the charge bar holder (see pic number one ) I told him that wouldn't work ( see pic number 2 ) évidently at some point in time MEC changed bar holder, I told him that Mec should have at least put a note in with the newer change bars stating that the newer bars won't in all MEC single stage presses, he then just hung up.

    Note the difference in the two pictures these are two different machines. In one picture you can see the slot in the other picture the machine has two solid pins in the back of the back of the machine without a slot in the front.

    Just beware of this problem - don't bother calling MEC they don't know their products very well.

  2. rrisum

    rrisum Mega Poster

    settersit and Jeffrey May like this.
  3. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    why not buy an old bar?
  4. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Joe, I'm sure you just talked to the a$$ hole of the company. Call back and ask for the sales manager. tell him about the attitude of the customer service person.
    if that does not get results, tell them about sticking their product where the sun does not shine. Roger C.
  5. Santafe

    Santafe Member

    Don’t see any pictures