Lead Prices?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Trapper56, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. Trapper56

    Trapper56 Member

    Kitco has lead below 83 cents a pound. Has anyone seen price drops? I am due to buy.
  2. Don't Ban Me Bro

    Don't Ban Me Bro Active Member

    Just got price list from distributor. Rio shot is $36.75 and West Coast is $39.75.

    Seems a little high but you can either go without or pay the price. I've tried whining and it hasn't worked.
  3. jmunsell

    jmunsell Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Northwest here is $37.
  4. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster

    Raw materials are around $0.80 a pound.
    You still need to drop the shot and ship the shot.

    What do you think they should be charging for a 25 lb bag?
  5. Trapper56

    Trapper56 Member

    Now below 80 and still no change.
  6. jmunsell

    jmunsell Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I would say $20 a bag would be fine with me.
    Smokintom likes this.
  7. blacklab

    blacklab Active Member Founding Member

    realistically, $28-30/bag. Lead is $.78/lbs in London. $.78X25lbs=19.50. Now add drop charge(remember nat. gas that is used to melt lead is at lowest price in yr.) freight and profit. All that maybe $10 gets you to $29.50.
    The problem is, that the retailers are loaded with higher priced inventory.
    Once someone drops the price then they all with have to follow or not sell anything.
  8. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    Wholesale shot price went down .35 last week. Not enough for us to change price!