Thank You OSTA

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by dr.longshot, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    With all this Corona Virus-19 and all of the Protesting by NON-CIVILIVED INDIVIDUALS, Killing, Burning, Looting, by Groups of George Soros and his NEW WORLD ORDER, My prayers are to OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP and his Make America Great Again, His IDEALS ARE GREAT FOR TRAPSHOOTERS TOO..

    OSTA, You have the best of the best Trapshooting Individuals Running and Managing This Ohio State Shoot, The Complete Program is The Best of the Best in Years, and the DELETING TARGET REQUIREMENTS should be the norm. I am AMAZED at the Complete Program and the Ability for all Registered Trapshooters to once again Shoot.

    This Program is One of the best that has ever been shot in Years. W/ this RANDOM DRAW GUN GIVE AWAY & PILLA GLASSES everyone is on Equal standings.

    The Officers and Directors are the best of the Best, Getting this 134th Annual Ohio State Shoot Program to proceed is/was a Miracle, Thank You All Involved.

    God Bless You and all Trapshooters in the World, for MAGA. w/this shoot.

    Gary Bryant, Dr.Longshot Life member 40-10126
    Ga.trapshooter and cwtech like this.
  2. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    On behalf of the OSTA Officers and Board of Directors, I would like to thank you for your very kind words.

    Tim Hunsaker