WTB K-80 Trap Stock

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Michael Henrikson, May 12, 2023.

  1. Wanted K-80 monte-carlo trap stock. Preferably the old style #1 but will consider others; Need factory length no shortened LOP please. Stock and forend set ok too...
    PM with what you have. thanks

  2. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    What price range are you willing to spend

    THEUNLOADER Mega Poster Founding Member

    Mike, I have an extra K-80 Trap Stock. Info is shown. Excellcent Cond.--$425.00 Shipping included.

    IMG_1331.JPG IMG_1333.JPG IMG_1332.JPG
    MCTS likes this.
  4. MCTS

    MCTS Mega Poster

  5. arnold55

    arnold55 Active Member

    Would this work?
    I have a new kick-eez (would have to be fitted)

    Attached Files:

  6. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    I have one
  7. arnold55

    arnold55 Active Member

    Could you use a Trap special roll over comb stock?