1. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Both Eubanks and John who over sees gun smithing at Briley told me that I had to be extremely careful not to bump that high rib. Due to it's only connected at two points. Well telling me to be careful is like telling a bull to be careful in a china shop.
    Sure enough the Bull came out in me. Was working on the Rem rib when I was taking it out of the vice and it did a perfect Swan dive. Landing directly on the front post dislocating it from the barrel. THEY TOLD YOU SO!


    What I noticed other then the front post being broken loose was the back connection was still intact, other then being a little pivoted to the right.
    Seems the energy was absorbed at the connection where the socket screw connected the bottom bracket that was soldered to barrel then bent up to connect via socket screw to rib going up.
    Instead of snapping off bracket all the energy was redirected in another direction. Hmm?
    Kinda the way dragster chassis are designed to break away from the driver cockpit.

    So now I'm thinking why not do the front in the same connection? A built in ''FAIL SAFE'' system.
    No need to have that overly heavy front post that is not even solidly connected to rib other then dovetailed.
    Then install two small brackets one at rear and one at front where a one solid piece of rib would be connected via socket screws.
    Then the front connection would have about a 1'' long soldered connection at barrel like the back does in pic. Much less prone to come off.
    Just have to remember to carry 3/16'' allen in my bag.
    Now to get my Perrazi back from Briley before they blue barrel, so I can do the 2.0 thing.

    PS Briley
    If you do send Christmas card...No happy
    holiday crap. Spell Christmas.


    Tom in PA likes this.
  2. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Could even design a small clutch type fastener system where the socket bolts secures the rib to the two brackets utilizing small fiberous friction washers.
    Then just tighten bolts to apply enough side pressure to keep rib assembly plumb but yet let the rib slip upon a hard hit as in falling from a gun stand, or ones work bench vice ha ha.
    For testing, just smack rib with ball peen hammer. Try that on your $20,000 presentation grade gun.

    Then if this did happen, it would be so easy to align rib back up with the edge of the brackets.

    A spring loaded ball bearing detent system could be used but far too complicated IMO.
  3. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Only thing left is to solder on the convertible rib :D
    I do believe this rib design will function as planned.
    Now if I had this style rib on my Perazzi when the barrel fell off my work bench, I do not think there would have been the rib breaking off.
    All I would have done was to rotate rib back up and align with the brackets. As of now I have nylon washers that are torqued down tite enough to keep rib upright.
    The bottom of rib has two L brackets, one at each end that have plenty of surface area that are soldered to barrel. The soldered area is 3/8'' x 1'' long.
    On the side of bracket that sits on barrel I did have to use a crescent file to radius bracket to fit curvature of barrel. 20220403_132210  rib hinge #2.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Tom in PA and cwtech like this.
  4. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    You never cease to amaze me.
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.
  5. gth245

    gth245 Active Member

    This a great craftmanship. Thanks for sharing
  6. Tom L.

    Tom L. Well-Known Member

    Waiting for the holographic ribs to hit the market. Solar powered…of course!
    rookieshooter likes this.
  7. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Great idea! Talk about weight reduction :rolleyes: And I all ready have 2''x2'' solar collectors I used to use on my red dot scopes.