F/S marlin 39

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Ron fisher, Sep 27, 2023.

  1. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    real nice unmolested marlin 39, 1945 model. Butt plate nice (not cracked), good used condition for a 78 year old rifle..(has a rub marked on the bolt, see picture) good bore. All original with nice unsanded wood. These are about the nicest, smoothest quality lever action .22's ever made..this is a nice one, great shooter. $850 delivered. 20230926_100256.jpg 20230926_100555.jpg 20230926_100344.jpg 20230926_100456.jpg
    Rob Greenside and grizquad like this.
  2. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

  3. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    $800......nice gun !!
  4. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    All original !!
  5. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

  6. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    great Xmas gift !!