Best Nickel Plating Place for Receivers

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Macdaddy, May 16, 2022.

  1. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

    Who does the best job on nickel plating a shotgun receiver?
    Have you had one done from them?
    Any Feedback?

    looking at doing a receiver on a beretta 390.


  2. Jack O'Matic

    Jack O'Matic Active Member

    Accurate Plating and Weaponry in Newville, AL did an excellent job on a friends Ljutic.
    firewater likes this.
  3. RPAD

    RPAD Well-Known Member

    Check your PM.
  4. Speedshots0

    Speedshots0 Active Member

    Check out Metalife.
  5. mpolans

    mpolans Mega Poster

    Quick question about plating receivers with replaceable trunions, like Perazzis, Berettas, etc. Are those supposed to be removed prior to plating? If they're not, what happens? Do they get plated in place (like painting a window shut?) What happens when you later have to replace the trunions?
  6. cl3

    cl3 Mega Poster Founding Member

    I would ask Big Al in AZ.
  7. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

    Thanks guys. I’ll look into Big Al’s services
  8. jansonuhl

    jansonuhl jansonuhl

    Look into silver plating. did my tm1 in 1974 and is still good.