WTB - Krieghoff 28 gauge choke tubes

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by ws2007, Dec 13, 2020.

  1. ws2007

    ws2007 Active Member

    Looking for used Krieghoff 28 gauge choke tubes, LM preferred, steel or titanium if the price is right. Please PM with what you have. Thanks
  2. little gambler

    little gambler Active Member

    It’s more choke than your looking for but package deal is priced right. I have a set that I no longer use. 4,4,3,2+,2,2,1. Got everything from full to open. 525.00 shipped to your door. Most of the smaller numbers have only been in a barrel to shoot 28 ga sporting once. The full and IM have about 300 rounds through them. Pm if interested in the set. 9BB531FB-F408-4F38-B2FC-41B605533C5E.jpeg
  3. 65Boiler

    65Boiler Active Member

    PM sent