Wasted 6 years

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by 635 G, May 24, 2019.

  1. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Spent 6 years trying to shoot an high rib on my Infinity-about 4 months ago put the original rib and comb on the gun--then about 2 months ago I met, up with Dean Debow, he looked @ my Infinity, adjusted it to shoot about 140%--well I'm shooting good again
    Dean said guns with a trigger that's as fast as an Infinity's cannot be shot the same way as a P or a K gun-give me about 2 to 3 thousand more targets & I'll be back in the saddle again--
    turbo38gn likes this.
  2. jansonuhl

    jansonuhl jansonuhl

    140% high??? really
  3. Garry

    Garry Mega Poster


    What was the POI set at with the high rib and high comb?
  4. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    80/20 and was shooting lousy, very inconsistent

    Put the original rib all the way down to 100% and added 3/8" of washers--all breaks are now vapor and moves to rights & lefts are smooth & consistent had to make the LOP 1/4" longer with the original rib--
  5. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Also, with the original rib & comb the Infinity is now 9lbs 6 oz vs 10 lbs 4 oz with high rib & comb
  6. Garry

    Garry Mega Poster

    I am glad you found something that is working for you.
  7. jansonuhl

    jansonuhl jansonuhl

    3/8 raise should have moved your POI up about 12". figure 2" for each 1/16" raised is the common theory i believe.
  8. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    100%= 15" + 6/16"(com raise) , do the math--the rib alone was 100%-- numbers are useless unless it works and its working--my scores have gone up two classes---from C to A, on my last 500 targets and there is room for improvement
  9. jansonuhl

    jansonuhl jansonuhl

    glad is working for you. There is no wrong way to break a target.
  10. Semperfi909

    Semperfi909 Mega Poster

  11. mudpack

    mudpack Mega Poster Founding Member

    Inconsistent shooting comes from the shooter, not from the gun.
    Passport likes this.
  12. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    I have to disagree, going from 88 to 96 consistently , was the gun-I was not comfortable & the gun timing was way off, was missing targets if though I was poiningt correctly--haven't changed a thing in my shooting style-- I was shooting under the targets due to the speed of the trigger- An Infinity trigger is 3 x faster than a Silver Seitz
    wpt likes this.
  13. Highvoltage

    Highvoltage Active Member

    Do you mean you was shooting over them?
  14. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    i was shooting under them, shooting at them before they could rise into my pattern
  15. mudpack

    mudpack Mega Poster Founding Member

    Then you were shooting over them...?
  16. Passport

    Passport Well-Known Member Founding Member

    How does anyone shoot a gun that’s 140% high!?
    What happens if you go to a club with flat targets?
  17. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Point under the target & they vanish-if you didn't know Infinity lock time is .0005, a Silver Seitz lock time is .0015,

    all I know its working
  18. bearingnut

    bearingnut New Member

    And that is all that matters.
  19. luvtrapguns

    luvtrapguns Member

    Years ago, when I first got it, I set my Ljutic PRO-3 to shoot about 140% high. Works well for me on 27yd targets. My problem is that for singles I can not lower POI below 80/20 or all I see is back of receiver. At 80/20 I have to hold too far under singles birds to "smoke em'. Still searching for the perfect gun. And believe me, I have tried and owned most of them. Beginning to wonder if there is such a thing. So far, The PRO-3 comes the closest.
  20. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Marc, there's a Selka stainless--with a release for sale @ Indiana gun club, asking $10k, might be the magic gun--all I know my set up is smoking all targets, now even when I play from the 27, yes I play from the 27
  21. luvtrapguns

    luvtrapguns Member

    I bought two Silver Seitz I will try when health permits. My BP goes way low when I stand for more than a couple of minutes (orthostatic hypotension). Looks like I will have to lose weight and exercise.

    The problem I have with most Ljutics is that, for me, they are too heavy in front. I like a faster swinging gun, much like a Perazzi TM series. I have about six Ljutics and for me the best two are the PRO-3 followed by a X-73. Why not shoot a TM? I have several and compared to the Ljutic the TM's feel like toys. No offense to the P-Gun crowd. Perazzi's took me to AA and the 27. I just moved on to what I feel is a better match for me.

    Are you still active at RR? Will try to come over soon. Marc
    rookieshooter likes this.
  22. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Shoot @ RR 2-3 times weekly, Tom puts out umbrellas to help with the heat-- normally done by 10:30 am--to hot after that, shot about a month ago @ Flagler--forgot about the morning sun there, ugh
  23. patch 2

    patch 2 Active Member

    Who measures lock time on triggers and does anyone know what kind of tool they use to do it ? I would love to see a super slow motion video of the process.
    mudpack and History Seeker like this.
  24. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Dennis DeVault had an electronic tester-thats how I got the info--
    one of his tests was he time an Infinity with a AA @ 1145 fps vs a Silver Seitz with a Winchester @ 1250--the AA's wad exited ahead of the handicap shell, besides lock time the interior finish of the Infinity helped
  25. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    I would have thought he would have used the SAME brand and FPS shell, length of barrel (?) for both tests.

    I still don't buy this Lock Time test. In my opinion someone would have to install clear side plates and use the slow motion camera as stated above by Patch2.

    Not doubting Dennis, but I think that particular test has flaws.
    mudpack likes this.
  26. luvtrapguns

    luvtrapguns Member

    Can anyone honestly sense one or two m/s difference when shooting?
    History Seeker and mudpack like this.
  27. robb

    robb Well-Known Member

    Yes you can. I shot 1100’s for a long time then had Dennis make me a MachOne. The difference in lock time was huge. It took a season for me to get onto the lock time. After I did it was great. And yes the faster the lock time the higher the gun needs to shoot IMO.
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.
  28. mudpack

    mudpack Mega Poster Founding Member

    Okay, how is lock time determined?
    Lock time is from which event to which event?
    Is this standardized?
    How does an "electronic tester" receive its inputs in order to measure time between events?
    Or is published lock time just a gun designer's best guess?
  29. robb

    robb Well-Known Member

    From the time you trip the trigger until ignition of primer is lock time to me.
    BRAD DYSINGER and History Seeker like this.
  30. mudpack

    mudpack Mega Poster Founding Member

    I said INconsistency came from the shooter. Guns are consistent. Shooters...many times....are not.
  31. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Now that I getting into the zone, other shooters have commented that I'm shooting much faster--

    The reason I was told by coach is , I've got confidence--that I'm not going to miss--
  32. ebsurveyor

    ebsurveyor State HOF Founding Member Forum Leader Member State Hall of Fame

    Just some facts here: pick up a new gun with a different trigger speed and you will have trouble for a few shoots. BUT, after a few shots (maybe as much as a full round) even my little brain will adjust to the trigger and I'll be smoking targets. Changing the point of impact is a different matter. Don't matter what the POI you shoot is but changing it can take many thousand targets to adjust to the new POI. The last time I tried to change my POI I gave up after a few years and went back to the POI that was imbedded into my head.
    just joe likes this.