Many people on this Blog have been accused of not knowing SHIT I want to set the records straight.-- The real meaning of the word --Dates back to the early colonial days when northern farmers got in the fertilizer business.- sending barrels of dried manure south by ship for the southern cotton growers.-only to find out most of the ships leaked--Wet manure = methane gas= one spark or lantern there went the ship.--So came the barrel label S.H.I.T --Stands for ship high in transit- solving the problem. So now when someone tells you that you don't know shit you can tell them "yes I do" Ron From the shit spreader capital of America Brodhead Wis.
According to Snopes, that is not accurate: The word shit entered the modern English language via having been derived from the Old English nouns scite and the Middle Low German schite, both meaning “dung,” and the Old English noun scitte, meaning “diarrhea.” Our most treasured cuss word has been with us a long time, showing up in written works both as a noun and as a verb as far back as the 14th century. Just wanted to get that S.H.I.T. straight....
Hold on there! Everybody knows you can't trust Snopes! They're one of those pinko commie groups that would lie about anything, even S.H.I.T.
Tim -- You might think Snopes might know " Shit " But I do .--Fifty years in the manure handling business I can contest to the validity of the label S.H,I.T as a truly valid label --That should still be used--After seeing 100's of deaths both in animal and human life-- and millions of dollars in damage--{ latest 3.3 million liberal Dane county dollars lost in a Waunakee Digester explosion } schite might mean "dung-- and scitte might mean "diarrhea" But after fifty year of working with S.H.I.T. shit does mean shit --- Ron