F/S STI 2011 .38 super/9mm…SOLD

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Ron fisher, Jan 26, 2024.

  1. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    very nice sti 2011 in .38 super and 9mm (2 barrels)...original barrel .38 super and a kkm barrel in 9mm. kkm barrels are finest barrels made..comes with 2 mags.. 4" carry size. STI 's are what the pro's use..$1800 shipped. P.M. questions etc. 20240125_150937.jpg 20240125_150916.jpg 20240125_150944.jpg
    Mark Estrop likes this.
  2. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

  3. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    as good as a pistol gets !
  4. Mark Estrop

    Mark Estrop Active Member

    What capacity are the mags?
  5. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    Will add 220 rounds of new ammo..mags are 10 and 17 rounds. ( Questions answered via pm.)
  6. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster