care to help save my club? got any ideas?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by bobski, May 24, 2023.

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  1. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "anyone care to guess how much I lost on my oct shoot with 4 shooters?" ...... My guess is you lost 4 shooters .....

    You seem to want to attract those of lesser means ..... "besides, those with p and k guns don't need me nor my range....and wouldnt come unless I handed out Cuban cigars." .....

    Nothing wrong with that ..... you are the owner ..... but ..... you seem surprised with the results .....
    mudpack likes this.
  2. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    flamers need not apply.

    anyone else?
  3. trapshooter47

    trapshooter47 US Army Retired US Army Retired Founding Member

    Sounds like you are in an area where a Trap range is no longer a viable business. Sometimes a person has to accept the facts.
    mudpack and Jon Reitz like this.
  4. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Location is important ..... but ..... some of this wouldn't 'sell', if you purchased the old ATA Home-grounds in Vandalia and put the trap there ......

    "Last place can tag out during the trophy shoot and I shoot in proxy for them."

    "In other words, if there are any good shots on the 50yd line, they must get thru me to win. If I win, last place wins"

    "The type of games and venue isn't the issue."

    "Respectfully, my business model/advertisement isn't the issue, its people/state of the nation/income/location"

    "fairness on an equal playing field." ..... really ..... "Last place can tag out during the trophy shoot"

    "my crowd brings a covered dish and prizes are found in the walmart sporting goods section."

    "most who no longer come stopped coming when they realized they couldnt get away with taking advantage of me anymore."

    "besides, those with p and k guns don't need me nor my range"
    mudpack, Ben Brush and trapshooter47 like this.
  5. shortbarrel

    shortbarrel Active Member

    With this thread being six months old and over one hundred posts it seems quite clear that this facility is no longer viable.

    Nothing is going to save this club.

    And nothing posted in this thread is going to change that fact.

    Time to move on Robert, the ship sailed long ago.
  6. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    ive been around the internet long enough to know when a topic degrades and people just post to start arguments or fights. we are at that point.
    this topic is a dry hole for this forum, but is very active on others. im hitting pay dirt there.
    so yes, in a sense, I have moved on.
    good news too.
    I don't really need to survive as an outlet for others.
    its still in my back yard and I still don't have to be a member of a club to enjoy the sport with my friends. how nice it is not having to battle a BOD to get changes.
    I can just do it.
    I did learn a lot about shooters in general by posting this. the options offered out of the club playbook were pretty narrow nationally, pretty generic, and thought of already. not many think outside the box. seems nationwide ranges are limited to whatever the big guys offer and follow as far as game plans, then mimic whatever works to pay bills. which in a sense makes followers out of most, with very few with creative minds leading. its ok. im happy.
    I will find that one mind that has the shining light needed. its a big world. whoever it is, I will find him/her.
    thanks to all that offered their ideas. but this range (and those like mine,) is going to need a little deeper thought.
    strength in numbers prevails. large venues are surviving.
    but the market knows it and gouges accordingly.
    good luck to all.
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