WTB, SX1 Release Trigger…FOUND

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by UncleBen21!!, Nov 8, 2023.

  1. UncleBen21!!

    UncleBen21!! Mega Poster

    release Trigger for Winchester SX-1. PLEASE include price and picture. Thanks, UB21
  2. oldshooter1949

    oldshooter1949 Well-Known Member

    I have a Hobblit in my safe that I haven’t used in years that I will sell.
    I will check the set and the release and let you know exactly what they are set at. Let me know if you are interested and will send you pictures and price.
  3. UncleBen21!!

    UncleBen21!! Mega Poster

  4. UncleBen21!!

    UncleBen21!! Mega Poster

    Sir, I'm still interested in the trigger. Pictures and price PLEASE. Thanks UB21
  5. UncleBen21!!

    UncleBen21!! Mega Poster

  6. UncleBen21!!

    UncleBen21!! Mega Poster