WTB: PFS Left Hand grip for a K80…FOUND

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Greg Gabel, May 14, 2023.

  1. Greg Gabel

    Greg Gabel Well-Known Member

    Looking for a used left handed PFS grip for a psf. Thanks
  2. oldshooter1949

    oldshooter1949 Well-Known Member

    I’m almost positive that I have one.

    I will check to make sure when I get to my shop this morning.
    Will get back with you in a couple of hours.
  3. Greg Gabel

    Greg Gabel Well-Known Member

    Sounds good.
  4. oldshooter1949

    oldshooter1949 Well-Known Member

    Got one
    As new!
    Pictures available if you want them
    $125 and I pay shipping and insurance?
  5. Greg Gabel

    Greg Gabel Well-Known Member

    Purchased from Oldshooter