FS pfs stocks sold

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by handcshearer, Jul 5, 2021.

  1. handcshearer

    handcshearer Active Member

    580AAF1E-2BB3-4359-972E-5265D8E96FCB.jpeg 580AAF1E-2BB3-4359-972E-5265D8E96FCB.jpeg B066BC22-267C-4265-8E0F-2D7E32E27225.jpeg LH k80/k32 pfs with ultimate comb 850

    LH Citori standard comb 750

    Attached Files:

  2. handcshearer

    handcshearer Active Member

  3. handcshearer

    handcshearer Active Member

  4. ccridr

    ccridr 101st

    Sent you a P M
  5. Skeet_Man

    Skeet_Man Mega Poster

    PM Sent, consider the Browning one sold if still available.
  6. handcshearer

    handcshearer Active Member

    Citori stock is SPF