Was Obama the best president of your lifetime?

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by ticker, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. ticker

    ticker Member

    Be honest!
  2. Palos shooter

    Palos shooter Mega Poster Founding Member

    Almost as good as Jimmy Carter.
  3. Columbus

    Columbus Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Be honest? Are you kidding me? NO! not just no, but hell no!
  4. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Obama set back race relations 50 years, fortified our enemy's and armed the Drug Cartels , spent 87 million dollars on vacations and stole billions of dollars of the American peoples money's for his own personal gain, he told Illegals to vote which is a felony, incited riots and destruction by blacks against white people ... Obama did nothing for the people of the United States other than steal and cheat them, hope he does stand with the islamic brotherhood , right close to the front out in the open so he can be taken out like a real leader ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  5. Ken Cerney

    Ken Cerney HOF Muscoda Gun Club Past Wisconsin Director Founding Member HOF Muscoda Gun Club

    Bill after what you wrote I can't think of anything You covered it all THANK YOU !! Super N1g and Hildabeast both need to go to PRISON.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2017
  6. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader


    If you are thinking about a career in stand-up comedy, you'd be wise to just keep your day job.:)
    dr.longshot likes this.
  7. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Ticker, He definately was the best; LIAR and dismantler of our constitution, at spending our money to further his nefarious schemes. I think he was also the best that the jihadists had to offer, We can thank Soros for all he has done to ruin our country. Jimmy Carter thanks him for his service. Roger C.
  8. blf3

    blf3 Active Member Founding Member

    Increased the national debt from 10 trillion to 20 trillion in only 8 years! That's his legacy.
  9. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    Oh, I forgot! He was the Greatest Gun and Ammo Salesman of ALL Time! AND...he was the best spokesman the NRA has ever had.
  10. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame


    I'm also afraid he set us up for a very bad war that is to come. He definately was in the isis camp, they will probably make him a general, if they can trust him. WE COULD NOT. He was a puppet of Geo. Soros. That man should be tried for treason, as he is an American citizen. I hope Trump is getting good info or that rotten group of Obomas. They all belong either in prison or in front of a firing squad. Roger C.
  11. tvbh40a

    tvbh40a Well-Known Member

    It is Easter Sunday so I will refrain. Not a believer in his views.
  12. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The more time that passes the more crap they dig up on the Obama's and that administration, got to wonder how they got by with all of the corruption while under the watchful eyes of the DOJ ..? Politicians hate President Trump because he is not one of them and does not play those games ...The previous administration should be jailed and put on trial for a multitude of charges,then be hanged so they could be used as an example .... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  13. Ken Cerney

    Ken Cerney HOF Muscoda Gun Club Past Wisconsin Director Founding Member HOF Muscoda Gun Club

    During a recent Trump stop, a heckler from the audience hollered,
    "Hey Trump, where are you hiding your tax returns?
    The Donald politely responded, "I've found a very secure place that
    I'm certain they won't be found."
    The insistent heckler, then shouted, "And just where is that, dummy"?
    The Donald smiled and said, "They are underneath Obama's college
    records, his passport application, his immigration status as a student,
    his funding sources to pay for college, his college records, and his
    Selective Service registration.
    "What's your next question?"
  14. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    I'm a newbie! My answer is no. No person could have fulfilled that title when he takes office and fights obstruction for 7 of his 8 years. Inherits an economy that was close to a major recession maybe even another depression. Higher and growing unemployment rates. However, main factor.... inheriting 2 very expensive and costly wars. No President, Democrat or Republican could have done any better than Obama.
  15. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    If Obama was so great why did he fortify the enemy, Islamic Terrorists, Drug cartels, let Bengazi happen, swindle hundreds of Millions of dollars and then go golfing ... I'm not buying it , President Trump has done more in 3 months for the people of America/Vets, Police, than the Anti America Obama ever did .... He should be charged with treason and hanged, I would love to watch it ... I have faith that he will get what's coming to him ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  16. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    You are making a threat to a past President? Is that correct? Also, suggest you check history books then watch tv and notice what is happening in the White House now. Also, since I'm a disabled Veteran, please tell me what Trump has done for Veterans?
  17. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    If I make a threat there will be no mistaking it as anything but ... Having faith that he will get what he is due is in no way a threat, unless you have a mental problem and then anything can be taken as such ... If you are a Vet then you know what Obama did for them (against them) and I would not have to explain it to you ... If you believe everything you see on TV that confirms a mental problem being as the Media is full of whack jobs ... That's not a threat either, its my opinion, don't like it don't read it ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  18. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    NAME ONE (1) thing that your man Trump has done for the VETS. Just one. Now, anything one says that can be construed as a threat to a sitting or past President is a Felony. You seem to think you're a bad as- so make a threat hot dog and we'll see what happens. All it takes is one phone call, there is no anonymity on this forum.
  19. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Take your Meds and go to bed, you got mental problems ... I said I did not make a threat, deal with it ... I still hope Obama gets what he is due (that's not a threat, its a wish like Make a wish ) ... Your just pissed because your girl Hildabeast lost (dems are all pissed off still but we had to put up with Obama for 8 years, get over it ) .. ... Now, go away and get some help you obviously need it ... The VA offers treatments for people like you at no charge ... WPT ... (YAC) ...

    I noticed your profile page does not say much about you, must be ashamed of who and what you are ..?
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  20. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    So, all of the threats being stated (leveled) about our President (Trump ) and his family are felony's (not enforced, obviously) yet the democrats keep on keepin on and nothing happens to them ..? Riots, destruction, blocking traffic (who knows why or what they feel that is all about ) ... Sounds like you threatened me and that would be a Major mistake Puppy (no threat just fair warning ) make your phone call ... WPT ... (YAC) ...

    If you are homeless and or not getting the help you need its not President Trumps fault, its Obama's and the democrats ... Put the blame where its due ...
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  21. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    Still waiting for ONE thing that Trump has done for the Vets. It's tuff when you look stupid isn't it?
  22. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Boy you would sure know about looking stupid if anyone does ...Make your PHONE call or are you all BS, which is what it sounds like to me, talk about looking stupid ... You are obviously on the wrong site, go get your Kool aid and fun with people who have the same mental problems you obviously have ... Check out the VA in Phx, if your really interested in things that have been done for vets (if you are one) and the Wounded Warrior programs that are available ... If you cannot say something with substance your best to keep you mouth shut rather than show off just how stupid you are and what you think you are entitled to, which is debatable looking at your dialog ... Do your own leg work (Google Phx VA, read it and weep) like the rest of us do, I am not your secretary ... IF you qualify you might even get a brand new home donated to you, but I doubt it ... Answer my questions, what about the threats against the President of the United States that has done more in 3 months than Obama did in 8 years ... (That's part of what is instilled in breeding ) Now, go away take your Meds and get some rest ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  23. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    Hey, you're the one that began the narrative of all these wonderful things that your hero Trump has done. I chose to question one sole statement about the VA. Now, 3 or 4 post later, you insist on juvenile name calling and avoiding the issue or question just like you brethren deplorables do. You did the same thing on TS.com until you were ultimately removed. Are you that hateful and cynical of a Midwestern old man that you feel a need to defend by bashing? Have a good day. Everyone who has been subjected to reading your juvenile post in response to my question knows exactly who is the stupid one here. Go ahead and throw out another insult and subtle threat Mister Rambo. Maybe the Moderators here will throw you off like the other forum. troll.
  24. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Mental Midget at large(you) you got all of the answers you are entitled to, no more, no less ... Look it up for yourself, I even told you where to get the information you asked for, so I didn't have to type it at that slow rate of speed so you could under stand it ... I didn't call you any names I said you were the one who is stupid , you obviously have a problem understanding "English" also ... I got banned from that hell hole for answering a question in an honest manner that some Nit Wit from Montana didn't like who by the way wouldn't make a pimple on a real mans azz, much like you, so that you will understand ... Deplorables, Mr Rambo, By the way you got the Mister right, and deplorable, but not the Rambo part ... Troll this, being as that is exactly what you are, go play with your sissy azz buddies over there ... Yes, there are a lot of deplorables, ask your girl Clinton, hope she gets what she has coming also ... If you are what you claim to be you would understand about giving a point of view and not caring who likes it or not because that will not change it ... WPT ... (YAC) ...( GFYS) ...

    People like you got the Unites State where it is today, like when Obama was sitting in the White House doing nothing but playing golf on our money and the things I mentioned before ...
  25. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    wpt likes this.
  26. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    Roger.... a fellow country man shouldn't talk like that. wpt? You and I do agree on one thing.... the Idiot in Montana is and Idiot! As for my answer...I'm sorry for teasing you. Shame on me. The answer is Trump has done one ONE (1) thing for Veterans. He extended the VA Choice Program that I've been using since 2014 and that Obama signed into effect. You seem (once again repeating myself) FULL of HATRED. Until you shed that moniker, unfortunately no one will listen to your observations or talking points and the Moderators, whether right or wrong, will continue to ban you. My advice? Go to Sunday School or Bible Study and get in tune with your Lord. Do not believe a word that I say. I am mentally retarded.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  27. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    Barry Soetoro (alias Barack Obama) was the worst president in the history of our country. I find it interesting how psychotic paranoid schizophrenics seem so attracted to him and how they tend to enthusiastically come to his defense. But, like I've always said, "There are some CRAZY mo-foze wandering around out there." It looks like we might have hooked a big one.
    Roger Coveleskie and wpt like this.
  28. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I can't find my TROLL ALERT button, I know its here some place ... Its been so long since the people of the Unites States have had a PRO AMERICA President they do not know how to respond so they keep going back to the same Ol, same ol" democraps ways so they can continue being ripped off time and time again ... Support this President and see where he takes you, it will not be down the road to Hell and back ... Rest assured ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  29. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    Donald J. Trump is a Draft Dodging, Narcissistic, Chauvinistic, Pathological Liar who doesn't know Government or how to Govern. Is totally ignorant of the US Constitution. Doesn't know Protocols. Doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. Doesn't know how to choose proper and knowledgeable Surrogates. Doesn't know...in particular... United States History. One only has to read his books or books written about him to realize these observations/facts. He has very little command of the English Language and can't even read a teleprompter. His business persona and successes or numerous lack thereof is based on very few tactical practices. Use leverage by bullying and then walk away from an agreement only to get called back for the better deal. Here's a good one for you.... he's a life long Democrat! Donald J. Trump, and its fact, is only out for one person. That's Donald J. Trump. There were at least 5 other GOP Candidates that by far would have made a better President of the United States and I would have voted for them. This prose may be hard to swallow for I believe most Deplorables are still in anal denial. However, by looking at the recent polls, they seem to be slowly changing their minds. Please, now to retort this claim, do what you know best and hurl insults and high school...rather grade school names at me. God save the United States of America. I am also an idiot.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2017
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  30. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    President Trump is our President, yours also. if by chance you do not like it, I would suggest you move and stay gone, we will not miss you ... Go block a highway with those Morons and get run over, start a fire destroy something and be a good democrap like those others Morons (not that you are a Moron, but they are ..) You are so wrong, you do not ever deserves a response ... I wish I could tell you exactly what I feel about you buts it against the rules ... GFYS ... WPT ... (YAC) ...

    I did find the Ignore Button, see ya , you are blocked ...
    Palos shooter likes this.
  31. Palos shooter

    Palos shooter Mega Poster Founding Member

    Where did hoppinjon come from?Joined Thursday.,Loves obamma.Worships Hillary,and drinks the kool-aid.
    His last sentence is the truth.
  32. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    I predicted your insulting response. Wow do I know you? Yes I do because we tangled a few times on the other forum. You are right however, Trump is MY president. I'm sure you thought the same about President Obama didn't you? Happy Mothers Day to you.... Mother.
  33. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    Are you another one of those Right Wingers who seem to know all and everything about everybody? You don't know me from Hatie let alone who I voted for and what I think about President Obama. Drink the kool-aid? A frequently used Right Wing-Nut saying that's used when you try to avoid facts and can't offer up a logical rebuttal. Your last sentence proves that statement. The same as mine does. I am still an idoit.
  34. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Palos Shooter,
    There are some people in this world who do not know right from wrong or left from right, he is one of them , I suggest you just ignore him like I have done ... He is not worth is and came from an Alien place to try and cause trouble ... He is the type that if he was on Fire in the middle of the desert and I was the only source of water for 100 miles, i would not relive myself on him ... Don't know who he is but do know he is nothing but a trouble maker and does not belong on this site, needs some rose colored glasses and kool aid, fix him right up ... People like him hide behind the internet or he would be used as a whipping post by normal people ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    The Phantom likes this.
  35. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader


    I've read several of the new member's posts. She is a trouble maker and a deliberately antagonistic person. Life is too short to have to endure this kind of malcontent. What does it take to get people like these permanently banned from this website?
    wpt likes this.
  36. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    That's a great suggestion. Let's get members who don't agree with our Righty way of life, banned from the forum. That's exactly what is going on with the other forum where the Idiot in Montana is slowly weeding out those who disagree with the dozen or so Right Wing Nuts who seem to control the Political Section. That sure does correspond to the First Amendment that the Right Wing so vigorously thinks they defend.
    smokejumper likes this.
  37. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    It is not a "request" type of thing ..... People CAN get themselves "banned" for reference to "the other site". Leave the people and problems there, if you wish to post here.

    IF ..... you want to spend your time posting about something like this topic, good for you. But, don't expect anyone to "take sides" and make people "play nice", there are BETTER ways to spend time.

    THIS SITE is a great place for "a logical rebuttal", without any reference to "the other site" and/or "name calling" .....

    FWIW ..... this,"Happy Mothers Day to you.... Mother" ..... will get you a "vacation" if you don't take the "hint" to stop .....
    wpt and just joe like this.
  38. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I know better than to take the bait from someone who's attempting to start trouble ... I do not need and or want any body to take sides but you should feel free to form your own opinion, if its the same as mine all the better (wink,wink) ... I agree totally with the concept of logical rebuttal and enjoy a little heat from time to time when needed to make every body feel better. I feel its in my best interest to discontinue trying to find any logic in what the accusations and or any form of logic being applied what was being said and or argued about ... I believe anyone and everyone is entitled to their opinion even if they are wrong, that usually separates the ones that I would drink a beer with and those that I would not ... I seldom use the ignore feature except on a rare occasion when I see no reason to continue lowering myself to that level and get into a debate about what has been proven , which in this case was the result of the last Presidential Election when we the people made a Great choice to replace a not so great choice made by other before us ... Happy Mothers Day (Happy Pappy Day to the fathers ) ... WPT ... (YAC) ..
    Roger Coveleskie and The Phantom like this.
  39. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Democrats call for Obama to get rid of Comey, President Trump does it and they demand an investigation, never questioned the Iran deal, supporting the Drug Cartels and or Terrorists .. Obama. never tried to cease all of the looting, destruction, blocking of public highways, as a matter of fact he promoted it, as well as set back race relations over 50 years ... He is Anti America and against the People of America ... Had little to no experience in Politics being as he was a Junior Senator from Illinois who never voted for anything but tried to take any and all credit for things that got done that he was no part of ... Obama loved golfing on the American's money though he hated them almost as much as they hated him ... Spent a ton of Money taking his Boy Toy (Michele ) to dinner in New York ... Tried to get a membership in a golf club and was turned down, (record because no other President was ever turned down) ... Handed out Billions of Americas tax dollars to foreign country's that supported Islamic Terrorists , bowed down to some body in the Middle East every chance he got and apologized for wars and or actions long before he was even born (if he was ever born) and had to hide all of his educational records from the public and he and his mate (?) what ever it is lost their License to practice Law , another first for any President ... Obama did nothing for America or the people of America, including any and all Vets ... Obama and Hillary Clinton let Bengazie happen, and got people killed because of their lacking taking any action ... There were C-130's armed and in the immediate area that could of eliminated the threat and possibly saved those lives ... Obama's net worth increased 10X's more than he was being paid as president residing in our White House with his family and Mother in Law, must of been good investing ? ... His own Brother (real brother , not bro brother ) said he was a phony and a liar besides being a homo when he was is school as a foreign exchange student from Kenya, yet he says he was born in the United States but never once could prove it records locked away ...

    Has done more for the people of America, Vets and Police included in the first 3 months in office than the previous administration did in 8 LONG years ... He has ordered air strike to take out and eliminate the enemy and is not done yet ... He is in the process of deporting Illegals who under Obama have been draining our Social Services, and flooding the medical professions with diseases brought form other county's ...
    If the United State enforce the same exact restrictions on the Illegal as their home country's do they would not and could not come here or they would never be seen or heard from again ... The President has done much more than Obama ever did and he is just getting started, Obama took 8 years to get nothing done ... The VA's have been or are in the process of being turned around and headed in the right direct after being ignored for the last two administrations, by the new President Trump and his administration ... Democraps are being or are going to be prosecuted for Child Porn and embezzlement of Tax dollars paid into off shore account that are not accounted for ... This is just the Start, there will be Major Changes before President Trump is done eliminating Obamas misdeeds and corruption ... If you do not like Our President I suggest you leave our country and go live in a Ghetto someplace where they kill Christians and screw goats ... There is more this is just a start, President Trump don't take things lightly or run away and go golfing everything he should be ready to make a move ... If you voted for Obama, and or Hillary you ARE the problem, and you deserve what you do not get ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  40. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    What he said!:)
    Roger Coveleskie and wpt like this.
  41. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    Living proof that Darwin was right after all. Keep it up WPT. Thank you for all the information.
  42. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Me thinks hoppinjon hoped one time to many ... I have not heard anything from her in a while ... I hope he still loves me ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2017
  43. hoppinjon

    hoppinjon Member

    Unfortunately or maybe fortunately I'm not like most of you for I can get busy at times. Especially getting our small mountain top home (5,000 sq ft) ready for the For Sale sign. Plus since I'm soon to be single....again... there is a certain amount of planning I need to do. I'm distracted enough by the never ending, on-going incompetence in the White House and thinking about starting an "Impeachment" pool in my gun club. but what do I know I'm just a sick idiot.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2017
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  44. Iceman

    Iceman New Member

    Either you are joking or extremely ignorant
    Are you kidding me
    Worst president ever
  45. BSAMX

    BSAMX Active Member

    I seriously doubt that you own a gun let alone belong to a gun club. You appear to be just another troll that logs onto gun sites from your mommy's basement while eating Twinkies and slurping "energy drinks" preparing for the next round of what ever the current on-line game is with your virtual friends to get your kicks. I am a retired 11B4P and yes, from my view any one who thinks the Boy King was good for vets, gun owners or believers in this nation is in your own words, a sick idiot.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  46. BSAMX

    BSAMX Active Member

    Unfortunately, welfare, foods stamps, and illegal alien voting where easy under bathhouse.

    Ken Cerney and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  47. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The Obama's just purchased a residence valued at $8.1 million dollars ... Now, here is a person that was making $400,000 per year for 8 years which would add up to $3.2 million (gross) ... How, can this be done if he is not on the take and or stealing money from the people of American for his own benefit ..? Taking Obama 's IQ into consideration I seriously doubt he would of been able to make investments that could of generated that amount of money ... You be the Judge, I stand on what I said previously ... WPT ... (YAC) ...