The Govna doesn't control trapshooting in Ohio - says legislators!

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Jim/Canton, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. Jim/Canton

    Jim/Canton Mega Poster

    In the summer the governor of Ohio made it clear he did not want the Cardinal Center to have the State Shoot.

    This is a quote from username Brad M

    By the way, If the governor of Ohio asked cc to close because of a deadly pandemic I’m pretty sure they would close.

    The Cardinal Center still held the Buckeye, Cardinal Classic, SCTP Nationals, and the Ohio State Shoot.

    This just in: The House of Representatives and Senate in Ohio has further stripped the governor from trying that bullshit again. The first vote was in December and another veto proof vote just went thru. Not that it matters. This isn't Illinois.

    Dogbest, John Trap and BRAD DYSINGER like this.
  2. MShooter

    MShooter Active Member

    And the ATA has to wait until May to find out if they "might be allowed" to have a shoot at their home grounds.
    Roger Coveleskie and John Trap like this.
  3. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The ATA is at the Mercy of the State of Illinois because they are renters, therefore they can only do what the Land Lord allows them to do and when ... The State can make up or find any excuse it wants to and there it nothing that can be done about it ... The current administration is as Anti - Gun as it can get so do not be surprised if things do not happen if they are on the schedule or not ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    John Trap likes this.
  4. TJ80

    TJ80 Active Member

    All land is rented. From the government. Just see what happens when you stop paying rent (taxes), they take the land away from you. All you own is the responsibility to pay taxes.
    Palos shooter, wpt and just joe like this.