Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by History Seeker, Dec 13, 2019.

  1. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    I don't know how to post a poll, but what do you folks think will be the NEW assessment put on the shooters at the 2020 Grand?

    We have had relocation assessments, new trap assessments, the latest was the Trapshooting Hall of fame building assessment so the barn can get paid off for the State of Illinois.

    My guess is there will be ANOTHER assessment for the Bradford shrine. (horse barn)

    Anyone offer more ideas ?
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The new trap machine assessments were done under false pretenses, they stated the fee was for the ATA to be able to have a replacement home grounds and the monies got used for replacement of the traps ... That being said unless you attend the grand in Illinois the money you paid for the relocation efforts (Home Grounds) you do not benefit by the money that you paid into that with each event you signed up for ... That money should be calculated and paid back to each and every member who paid into it under those circumstances ... Misleading would be the least it was ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  3. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

  4. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    Pay close attention to the last two sentences. Who is the person who can be held responsible for making sure the money is all present and accounted for? Where is the money now? Can the THOF prove that they received the money and use it for its designated purpose? I wonder if this is the money they use to buy the outgoing Prez a new gun.
    History Seeker, chris henr and wpt like this.