RhinoTubes 12ga to 20ga, 12 ga to .410 half length with chokes.

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Joe Winnicki, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    20 gauge Rhino tubes 14" with screw in chokes, SK, SK, LM,LM for 12 gauge barrels.Rubber "O" will enable these tubes to fit most standard barrels. I've used them in old Damascus barrel SxSs to Perazzis.

    Also a set of Rhino of half length 15" 12gauge to 410 tubes with chokes SK,SK, LM,LM. Recommend using "AA" or STS shells for either gauge. These half length tubes are nice to use all the weight is between your hands. Some extra "O" rings included.

    Either set $250.00 shipped.

  2. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    Pictures for the above post.

    Attached Files:

  3. Joe Bettacchi

    Joe Bettacchi Member

    Will these work in Browning barrels?
  4. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    Hi, yes these will work in just about any barrels. My son used them in his Perazzi and a Rizzini I used them in a old Parker SxS with Damascus barrels, keeping a set for my old double guns. There are a series of rings cut in the tubes and by using rubber "O" rings of different sizes you adjust the fit, fairly simple. I will include some rubber "O" rings. I bought a box of the "O"rings on line. Plumbers tape could be used. I don't believe the Briley half length tubes come with choke tubes, certainly not with a extra set., each choke tube cost around $50.00.

  5. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    Yes these work in Browning shotguns.

  6. Reyper

    Reyper Mega Poster

    It’s a shame these are no longer being produced as they are probably the best short tube sets out there. Very convenient to have screw in chokes for both skeet and sporting clays. Good shooting, Rey