Pattern Board KISS Method ...

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Storeman, Dec 31, 2017.

  1. Storeman

    Storeman Moderator Founding Member

    Aim at the black dot below the bottom Clay at 20 yards. If your core pattern is on the bottom Clay you are at 50/50. If your hot core pattern lands on the top Clay then your POI is 90/10 . You can Scotch Tape this 8x11 sheet of paper to your overall 3x3' pattern board paper to see the outer flyers and full pattern. All I need to see is what's on this 8x11" target paper for my records. You can do a Copy and Paste on your computer and print it out with my permisson.

    This is a quick and easy way to do an amateur hit & run pattern test.

    Give it a Shot,
    Storeman Norman

    10 - 8 - 17.jpg

    Best Test Pattern - 4 Up Real Clays 10-8.jpg 30 Yards.jpg