"Let Him Who Has Not Sinned...

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by The Phantom, Oct 9, 2016.

  1. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    ...cast the first stone."

    So far, it looks like a few of our weak kneed brethren have been gut hooked by Hillary's latest cast. Shame on you if you have. There is not a man or woman here who hasn't done far worse than Donald did.

    Paul Ryan is a pansy assed twit and I am proud of all those fine folks from Wisconsin that shut him down with their support for Donald Trump. I hope everybody supports Donald, because he has never, and I mean NEVER, needed our support more than he needs it now.

    With each day, more and more information is coming to the surface about the many ways Hillary Clinton is trying to destroy our country. WE MUST STOP HER! WE MUST! THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE.

    The RINOs are just as cowardly as the democrats. When Trump is elected, he will get even for all the wrong that those bastards have done to us for the last 60 years. Please stand firm in your belief in Trump.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  2. LadyT

    LadyT Mega Poster

    Sorry but Trump is done for. It's Hillary for the win. Sad day for sure.
  3. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Lady T,
    Hillary is the poster child for evil. She can not stand on her record. She has none. The only record she has is of failure and deceit. She is a proverbial liar. She is also an enables of sexual assault . She attacked every woman that Bill raped or assulted. The RINO'S in the Rep. party are afraid of Trump, because he is not feeding at the same hog trough that they are along with the Dem's. I'm sure 11 years ago a mistaken statement is so offensive that most women will not vote for Trump, if that is so they are not worthy of the vote. Women are not that stupid, at least the ones that I know are not. The Dem's seem to think they are.
    Have you read even one thing that Hillary has achieved in the 20+ years she has been around Washington? All she can do is dig up anything that Trump said or did in an attempt to discredit him.
    One thing she did do was remove $200,000. worth of silver ware and paintings and furnature when leaving the White House. I believe that is theft. She also with her charity that is located in Canada run one of the biggest pay for play operations ever run by a secretary of state. She also signed off on a deal that let Russia obtain 25% of the uranium in this country. For that she received a $145,000.000 cotribution for the charity. Then she (FORGOT) to include $7,000,000. on her taxes. Has anyone ever seen any of this in the LIBERAL press? Roger C.
  4. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader


    It looks like Lady T and many others just want to be sucked(no pun intended) into Hillary's world. BUT.......

    ......there is one very big problem!

    In a matter of hours it will be all over the internet and the world, for that matter, that THEIR BITCH HILLARY LIED UNDER OATH!

    As Wikileaks would say it, "BOOM!"
  5. LadyT

    LadyT Mega Poster

    Fools. I thought that even a blind man could see the writing on the wall after the release of these tapes but I guess not. Doesn't matter anymore what Hillary did as Trump is toast. The very people he needed to draw to his side have gone to Hillary after the release of those tapes.

    Oh BTW everyone with an IQ above one knows Hillary lied. That is not a revelation. Everyone knew that and quite frankly did not expect anything less from her but the tapes of Trump caught people by surprise and shocked them and the very people he needed to vote for him have now decided to go with Hillary or another candidate. Of course there is his only hope in that people go to one of the third party candidates and they pull enough votes away to deny her the votes needed to win thereby putting the selection of the President in the hands of the United States House of Representatives and even there he may lose. You see if it does end up in the US House the Republicans will have to decide if they are willing to face the backlash in 2 years when they all come back up for election.

    Of course if the Electoral College is deadlocked and cannot declare one of the Presidential candidates the Winner then the decision is thrown into the US Senate who will pick a Vice President and the US House will pick the President. They both will make their selections from the top 3. If this happens and I would give it a 50-50 chance of happening I believe the U.S. Senate will move first by picking a Vice President who will then be sworn in as President on January 20 2017.

    I believe this will happen because the U.S. House may be unable to select a President or refuse too which means Rep. Paul Ryan may be elevated to the position of Vice President with the possibility of Mike Pence being the President if chosen by the The US Senate. as the Vice President who will then be elevated to President because the U.S, House cannot or will not decide on a President..
  6. LadyT

    LadyT Mega Poster

    And you think I don 't know this. What has passed for music for the past few decades is deplorable a fact that I have used in my debates with others on FB but you have to understand one thing. IT DOES NOT MATTER. IT DOES NOT MATTER. No one cares about that. I was his statements that were the final blow that made sure he can not ever win the Presidency. Hopefully the voters that Trump needed to win move to a third party and Clinton does not get the required 270 Electoral College Votes and thereby throwing the decision into the U.S. Senate for the selection of a Vice president and the House for President.

    Now what I expect to happen is that with a continued Republican majority in the Senate they will select Pence as the Vice President in accordance with the Constitution. The House will not be able to make a selection either by choice or the inability to fulfill their duty. Thus come January 20, 2017 Mike Pence will be sworn in as President and then through the succession clause you will see Paul Ryan as the Vice President.
  7. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Lady T,
    Take a break the longer you speak the less sense you make. Do you honestly think that a majority of women in this country are so narrow minded that that one statement will make them vote for Hillory? Have you ever made a statement that you would not want published? If you answer NO, you are either a very forgetful lady, or a liar. With all of the bad baggage that the Clintons are carrying around, I do not believe any sane person could vote for her. She protected her raping and abusive husband many times how do you feel about that?
    (IT DOES NOT MATER) That is how Hillory responded when ask about the FOUR men that died in Bengazzi, because she LIED about the video to the American people, but to her family she described the attack as a terrorist attack. Do you think intelligent Americans have forgotten. She is evil. Roger C.
  8. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    Lady T,

    Are you going to vote for Hillary Clinton? Please provide either a "Yes" or a "No" answer.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  9. LadyT

    LadyT Mega Poster

    You know whom I vote for is my business and mine alone.. I don't even tell close friends or family so why would I tell some non American without a name something so important.
  10. LadyT

    LadyT Mega Poster

    Roger people know the Clintons. Old Billy boy hasn't been in office since 2001 and it's 2016 now. People are looking for leadership not some idiot but that is what we have running for president a bunch of idiots. The best thing that can happen for us is for Clinton to not get the 270 Electoral College votes needed. If that happens the race is thrown to Congress to decide with the Senate selecting the Vice President and the House the President and the House can sit on it's hands till 20Jan and if the Senate selected Pence as Vice President and the House has not done it's job by then one could see the succession rule come into play and that means a Republican in office. That is the only way we will see a republicans in the White House this time around. One would have thought that the Republicans had learned after losing to Obama twice that there are not enough pissed off white people to swing an election anymore. They are just going to have to adapt to the new demographics of the Nation or go the way of the Whig Party.
  11. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Lady T, You are grasping a straws. One of them is going to be elected, lets hope it is not Hillary. If she is this country is doomed. The supreme court will be as compromised as the FBI is now. Trump has some problems, but none compared to Hillory. If you must hold your nose and vote for the only person that will, and can, and wants, to turn this country around. The dem's will sink us deeper into debt and add more restriction on every citizen of this country.
    Old Billy is still the same as he was when he was in office, and Hillary is still his wife, who helped in getting him off after he accosted all of those women. If Trump is to have fall out over what he did 10 years ago, do you not think the Clintons should be judged the same? Do you think rape and attempted rape are more hineous than racious talk? Talk is just that talk. actions are criminal. Roger C.