Antique Clay Pigeons F/S

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by mdmike, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. mdmike

    mdmike Member

    I have been collecting clay pigeons for a few years now and have a some duplicates to sell. I have some spare Ligowsky, early White Flyer and Blue Rock targets, as well as some Black Diamond targets. Email for list or questions.

    Attached Files:

  2. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    This would be a ice start for someone who would like to begin collecting.

    I began collecting targets several years ago and enjoy it.

    This picture doesn't show the expanded collection of today.

    This was a beginning.

    MINI-MU X (6).JPG
  3. mdmike

    mdmike Member

    Happy Thanksgiving and great display and collection! I've seen this photo before as we may have communicated thru another forum or eBay. I probably sold you those Ligowsky targets over the last few years. All my targets have come from scuba diving, so I'm more of a passive collector and not even a shooter. I recently found a nice target ball that is on eBay now if you want to bid on a common plain cobalt blue ball. Mike in CT
  4. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    Cool ! I have a Mossberg Targo Mo-skeet gun complete - saw one at the National Skeet/ Sporting Clay museum in San Antonio a couple if weeks ago. Also have a couple of cases if Mo-Skeet targets. I'll post a picture of the gun later today.

  5. mdmike

    mdmike Member

    A few months ago I found a piece of a clay pigeon that was nothing like I've found before. its got dimples on the dome around the rim area. Any ideas on what target this is from??
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