Barrel, mx8 type 4 w/ thin wall tubes $2250.00

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Joe Winnicki, May 28, 2019.

  1. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    For Perazzi mx8 type receiver type 4 hanger off of a comp 1 gun, 4 Briley long thin wall chokes, F, IM. IM, LM. Barrel is with high blue, step up trap rib over all condition excellent, 32", $2250.00, $25.00 shipping.


    Attached Files:

  2. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    Reduced to $1995.00, $ 25.00 shipping.
  3. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

  4. Gordon Horigan

    Gordon Horigan Active Member

    Where are you located? I'd like to see it before making a commitment.
  5. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    Reno, Nevada. Please let know what your concerns are ? If it was shipped to you and it was not what you expected I would honor your decision to return it.


  6. Gordon Horigan

    Gordon Horigan Active Member

    Joe, I have a MX 2000 and a MX 15, and i'm not sure if the barrel would fit either one. I was told that any MX barrels inter change but that's not true. Both my MX unsingles won't swap . So spending that much I I'd like to know first. I'm in Wi. to bad your not closer. Gordy
  7. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

  8. mpolans

    mpolans Mega Poster

    All MX barrels of the same type (Type 4, etc) will interchange, but may require some fitting by a gunsmith. That's true of just about any O/U made (Browning Citoris, Beretta 682s, Zolis, etc)...the one exception being Blasers, which are known for being able to swap barrels without any fitting.
  9. Dave320c

    Dave320c Mega Poster

    I will take it; see your PM